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Travel to Forstau

Use the route planner from Google Maps to plan your journey here or, easier still, program your GPS device to take you to Forstau.

Please use the following address:
Familienhotel Unterreith, Ort 6, 5552 Forstau, Austria

GPS: 47.377744, 13.545618

Arrival by car

From the west

Via the Tauernautobahn A10 exit in the direction of Graz, then continue to Radstadt (approx. 6 km), continue in the direction of Obertauern, turn off at the traffic circle in the direction of Forstau and continue.

From the east

Pyhrnautobahn A 9 - exit Liezen - direction Salzburg / Altenmarkt on the B 320 until you reach Radstadt, continue in the direction of Obertauern. At the traffic circle turn towards Forstau and continue.

Coordinates for the navigation system

Latitude: 47.377744
Longitude: 13.545618

Travel by train

Next train station: Pichl
ICE train station: Schladming
Timetable information: www.oebb.at

Familienhotel Unterreith

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