Please use the following address:
Familienhotel Unterreith, Ort 6, 5552 Forstau, Austria
GPS: 47.377744, 13.545618
Via the Tauernautobahn A10 exit in the direction of Graz, then continue to Radstadt (approx. 6 km), continue in the direction of Obertauern, turn off at the traffic circle in the direction of Forstau and continue.
Pyhrnautobahn A 9 - exit Liezen - direction Salzburg / Altenmarkt on the B 320 until you reach Radstadt, continue in the direction of Obertauern. At the traffic circle turn towards Forstau and continue.
Latitude: 47.377744
Longitude: 13.545618
Next train station: Pichl
ICE train station: Schladming
Timetable information: